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Pump-Action Captain Launches on Steam





Congratulations to Type Advantage for the release of Pump-Action Captain on Steam. This title began as a Kickstarter project clearing 170% of their modest $500 goal. The team used that momentum to fuel a successful Greenlight campaign, gaining approval in just ten days. Today marks the release of the game as an "Early Preview" title, which means it's a playable work in progress. You can play it now for just $4.19.


From the store page:

Pump-Action Captain is a difficult, minimalist, FPS with Rogue-Like and RPG elements. Think Serious Sam meets R-Type meets The Binding of Isaac. You have only ONE life, and ONE weapon; Your trusty Boom-stick! This uber-fancy shotgun can be upgraded in a number of different ways.


Be sure to support your fellow Leadwerkers. Buy the game, play it, and if you want, leave a review on Steam.

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