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Calling on the Leadwerks Community




Christmas is the season for giving, and it also happens to be my biggest sales time of the year. The Steam Winter Sale just kicked off and I need help getting us up on the first page of top sellers:



How do we do that? We drive web traffic to the Leadwerks Steam Store page. Here's a simple way to do it. If you could "Share" this Facebook post with your Facebook account, I would appreciate it:



That should push us up to the first page.


Thanks for your help. Hope you're enjoying the new vegetation system!

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I don't have a Facebook, (nor want one) but I do have Twitter, and I'll post more of my experiments and such on YouTube. Hope that will help.

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It appears that DLCs might not show up in new releases until their sales are over a certain threshold:



This sucks, because being in the new releases list is how you remind people your application is active.


On the other hand, if I do a side by side comparison of sales vs. the same day last year, they are nearly identical. Which isn't bad, but it is strange how little control I have over it. The life of an entreprenuer.sleep.png


I know this is the season for being unselfish and all that, but I've been waiting for this all year.

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Im not emptying my wallets because I already have Leadwerks and all the games are not what I would look at buying. 3 years ago the sales were good but they got worse

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The DLC shows up now on New Releases. I have a pretty good idea of how much they have to make before they appear.

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