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Workshop Spam




It appears that items that were released within a certain time period, right when the Workshop was made public, received a lot of "spam" comments like below, from people who don't even own Leadwerks:




I have nothing against TJHeldna's cola can, but I don't believe it is the top-rated item in the Workshop through genuine votes:



It's very obvious which items got spammed. They each have 30+ one-word comments. In order to fix this, the following items are going to be removed from the Workshop by banning, which is the only mechanism I have to do this:






This does not mean I don't like your item, it just means your Workshop page got spammed and it messed up the ratings. I am downloading each item and will have it available for you if you wish to re-upload it.

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Here's the email I received..


Dear tjheldna,

Your Steam Workshop item Old Can has been banned because it violates the Steam Terms of Service. The item is now only visible to you.

You will be unable to publish any user generated content for 1 day(s).

If you believe your item has been banned mistakenly, please contact Steam Support.

The Steam Support Team


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No, I still believe my can was super popular! =)


Although I wasn't planing on putting anything in the workshop, that is unbelievably unfair that I'm banned for a day for this, I did nothing wrong. What about the accounts that spam... nothing?

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I agree, but I don't have any mechanism to control it. All I can do is remove the few items that got spammed.

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Does this stay on TJs record. If another of his items get banned could he have his account frozen?

Valve isn't going to do that.
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Ыам кибо жольюта ыкжпэтэндяз нэ.


That was funny for read. For me it's like "Iam kibo joluta ikjpetendyaz ye." for you. xD

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