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Starting a business




This is my very first blog, so I'm not sure the ins and outs of writing one. I will do my best and hopefully become better at writing them.


In the last few weeks, I have been contemplating starting a business in making games. I have done countless research on starting a business and have finally come to a point where I'm ready to begin registering the business and getting a website up and running. I have decided to write a blog on said website, which will mainly consist of dev logs on the game I will be working on. I also plan on making dev logs on YouTube, showing my progress, not only for other to see, but also for a record of what I did so I can learn from it for future projects.


My first game will be on iOS, as 3D games are just too ambitious. The plan is to make a 2D action RPG. It's not going to be as complex as Pokemon or Zelda, but will be big enough to keep my interest. A lot of people suggest making simple games first, but that doesn't interest me. I want a challenge. Hopefully running a business will kind of force me to stick with a project, instead of just making a prototype and moving on.


My first hurdle has been making the website. I've decided not to use a CMS such as Wordpress, as I have enough web experience to make my own. I want it to be customizable and I want to make it as secure as possible for when I start implementing a login mechanism with mailing lists and the sort. I have the skeleton of a website with enough visual fidelity to be released, but I just don't know what content to put in. I don't have any images to put up and I'm not sure what to write, as I haven't actually done much development work yet. I'd love to know what you guys think I should add. The website isn't public, so I can't show you what I have, but if you have any experience with this kind of thing, I'd love to hear from you.


I hope to write more blogs like this in the future, so any feedback on my writing or suggestions on starting a business would be greatly appreciated. Also, If you are thinking of starting an indie game business of your own, I'd be happy to share the info that I have gathered.



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Best of luck with this.


If you don't have anything to show it might be best to hold off. No point attracting an audience only to bore them with a lack of content and to lose them. Maybe spend some time on concept art so at least people can get an idea of what you are trying to achieve.


Good luck.

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Thanks for the advice. I plan on doing regular dev logs on my progress, so hopefully that will be enough to keep people interested before I actually release anything. Concept art is a great idea, but unfortunately that's one of the things I'm not so great at. I'm sure I will be able to make something in due time.

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If your main focus is to make a game I would recommend using an existing cms (if you even need a cms at all) because creating cms functionality from scratch will just eat into game dev time. Also I wouldn't worry about setting up a business until you are closer to having a sell-able game. You can always go ahead with getting your website up and running first but ideally you should have some work done on your game so you can populate the website with game related info and images. Of course you can always use a site initially to show concept images and ideas but you might be too light on content initially to really worry about it.


For sharing, interaction and motivation probably best to use existing forums and social media these days as they don't cost anything and are already well populated and then when you have something more a bit substantial go the route of a dedicated website. You'll need to use forums and social media anyway to drive traffic to your new website.


Btw your blog writing is fine imo. :)

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Good luck and hope it works out for you. I agree with the others i'd just work out a business name and a logo to brand what your working on (That's what we did anyway). I'd be more inclined to use social media, greenlight and indieDB for advertising, even then don't expect much.


I use Gamemaker for 2D and you will be surprised how much more quickly you can get results in 2D. There is searchable examples for practically anything and 2D is super fun to create. The exports all work well but it does cost you some $$$, but I suppose if your starting a business you gotta spend money to make money. I think GM is on sale atm too.

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Thanks for the advice and support everyone.


I should just point out that I still have a job and have decent income to support myself. I'm in no rush to release anything, it's more for the learning experience of doing things myself. Same goes for GameMaker. I want to learn native development. While a game engine would be more efficient, I'm not really looking for a quick buck.


I'm not expecting to become successful overnight, so I will make my first game with no tools at all, learn from it and decide what the best way of going forward will be.

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Having a business is not that easy as it first sounds.

If you make no money, you have to be careful or else your business might get declared as a hobby. (at least here in Germany) not sure what that means in the end though. Also being careful about the tax you have to do now differently etc. Etc.


I hope you really have considered all this ;)


As cms i can recommend Neos CMS. it's easy to use once you have installed it and if you need frontend users, a shop or something else you can extend it with packages or build your own with the powerful Flow Framework. If you need help with that, message me. ;)


Good luck with your business.

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