Starting a business
This is my very first blog, so I'm not sure the ins and outs of writing one. I will do my best and hopefully become better at writing them.
In the last few weeks, I have been contemplating starting a business in making games. I have done countless research on starting a business and have finally come to a point where I'm ready to begin registering the business and getting a website up and running. I have decided to write a blog on said website, which will mainly consist of dev logs on the game I will be working on. I also plan on making dev logs on YouTube, showing my progress, not only for other to see, but also for a record of what I did so I can learn from it for future projects.
My first game will be on iOS, as 3D games are just too ambitious. The plan is to make a 2D action RPG. It's not going to be as complex as Pokemon or Zelda, but will be big enough to keep my interest. A lot of people suggest making simple games first, but that doesn't interest me. I want a challenge. Hopefully running a business will kind of force me to stick with a project, instead of just making a prototype and moving on.
My first hurdle has been making the website. I've decided not to use a CMS such as Wordpress, as I have enough web experience to make my own. I want it to be customizable and I want to make it as secure as possible for when I start implementing a login mechanism with mailing lists and the sort. I have the skeleton of a website with enough visual fidelity to be released, but I just don't know what content to put in. I don't have any images to put up and I'm not sure what to write, as I haven't actually done much development work yet. I'd love to know what you guys think I should add. The website isn't public, so I can't show you what I have, but if you have any experience with this kind of thing, I'd love to hear from you.
I hope to write more blogs like this in the future, so any feedback on my writing or suggestions on starting a business would be greatly appreciated. Also, If you are thinking of starting an indie game business of your own, I'd be happy to share the info that I have gathered.
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