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Beta update available




An update is available on the beta branch. This only updates the editor, only on Windows.


The environment probe entity should now be available to create in the editor, for all users.


When shaders are compiled with the "Debug" button (F5) they will now be run through the GLSlang reference compiler first. This can help to catch errors that more permissive hardware lets slide by (Nvidia). The goal of this is to prevent games from not working on AMD and Intel hardware when they use third-party shaders. GLSlang does not catch deprecated functions like texture2D() but it may catch some other errors Nvidia cards ignore.

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I had a bug once in GLSL where I forgot to initialize a float variable in a shader. Nvidia set the value to 0. AMD had the value assigned to a random number, so I had some weird color flickering bug on AMD but my code rendered fine on Nvidia.


Nvidia is defiantly the better GPU to buy, although for developers, test on all platforms.

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Wow! That great! I always had this problem when I was using Irrlicht. I had to have a PC that was using a intel card to make it work on all. From what I tested the intel compiler was the strictest.


This tool, is great so you don't need to have a separate PC, just to "clean up" your shaders.


I almost think it was a marketing strategy from NVidia to make their compiler be so permissive. It would only run on their hardware... sad.png Or a strategy from intel & Amd.. who knows...

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Ok I added this function which I know nvidia accepts and intel does not:


float testfunc(float x, float y=1.0)
return x*y;


it compiles ok using F6, but using F5 it now shows an error in line 28


Validating vertex shader...
Validating pixel shader...
Error validating pixel shader.
Warning, version 400 is not yet complete; most version-specific features are present, but some are missing.
ERROR: 0:28: '' :  syntax error
ERROR: 1 compilation errors.  No code generated.
0 errors, 0 warnings

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