DPI Scaling
I've implemented DPI scaling into Leadwerks GUI (beta branch, Lua on Windows only).
To set the GUI scale you just call gui:SetScale(scalefactor). A scale factor greater than one will make it bigger, a scale factor less than one will make it smaller. There is no limit to the range you can set, but negative numbers are probably not good.
Scaling causes the GUI to be drawn at a different size, but widget dimensions and mouse events are still interpreted as though they were at their original size. For example, the mouse move script function will always indicate a coordinate of (510,510) when you move the mouse into the lower-left corner of a 500x500 widget positioned at 10,10, no matter how big or small the GUI is scaled onscreen. Widget::GetWidth() will return the widget's unscaled dimensions, not the actual size it appears at. To get the actual size, you would multiply the dimensions by the GUI scale factor and round off. However, you should never need to calculate this yourself, as all numbers are made uniform for you.
Scaled widget positions are still rounded to integers in order to make them appears precisely on the screen pixels. We don't want sub-pixel blurring with widgets that line up in between pixels, we want sharp clear pixel-aligned rendering. Interestingly, the mouse script functions are now receiving floating point coordinates instead of integers. For example, if you move the mouse across a widget with the GUI scaled to 200% (2.0) you will see the mouse coordinates change in 0.5 increments like 150, 150.5, 151, 151.5, 152, etc.
Scaling presently does not affect text rendering, as this will take more work to figure out how to manage.
Below is a simple GUI scaled at 100%:
Now at 200%. Note that text scaling is not yet implemented. When it is, the text will appear bigger, proportional to the widget. However lines still appear exactly one pixel thick, as they should:
And finally made smaller, at 50%: Notice that although the lines are still one pixel thick, we have lost the space between the inner and outer rectangles. This is being drawn properly, but it is possible you might run into small issues like this in various resolutions, so it's something to keep in mind.
Of course images cannot be upsampled without losing precision, so any images your GUI uses should originally be at the maximum scale your GUI may use.
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