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Log Master Updated!




Hello friends,


This is the first time I enter on a game jam in this community.

I tried to follow the theme so after some research I started the development of this little prototype.


I learned some cool tricks in this project and I hope to bring more stages and polish even more this game in the future.





Since there is a little of "try and error" in this kind of gameplay, I worked to make things smooth as possible for the player respawn. In the beginning for example, when the player "died" I just called a map load. I found this solution very lazy and not smooth to the player, so after the core game mechanic was developed I worked to make the respawn quick as possible.


To accomplish this, when I start the game I have a script to store the initial values of the players and all logs, so when the player respawn I just reset every dynamic entity of the game and give to the player a little time to react and try again.





There is 3 stages in this game, and I think there is room to create even more stages and puzzles to the player enjoy.


You can try the game and maybe beat the already infamous stage 3 here:



Demo Updated Aug 01 2016


- Performance improvements

- New Hud Details

- Replaced some CSG for models


Any feedback is very welcome.


Thank you! smile.png

  • Upvote 7


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Great entry, i found it really fun and challenging.


Don't know if this is a bug or a debug route you left in but in the first 2 worlds you can jump onto the other side then over the tunnel and skip the entire course lol but other than that it was there were no other issues i could see.


Keep up the good work.

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Great entry, i found it really fun and challenging.


Don't know if this is a bug or a debug route you left in but in the first 2 worlds you can jump onto the other side then over the tunnel and skip the entire course lol but other than that it was there were no other issues i could see.


Keep up the good work.


Oh snap, forgot to remove the dev route tongue.png

Thank you for report smile.png



*Updated in the version 0.3a1

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