This tutorial will help you to make something like this
Step 1: Prepare scope model
In 3D application, import your 3d scope model and adjust its pivot point. Make sure the pivot's position looks like image below. This step is extreme important! The position of pivot point is the position of Scope Camera Render Target
If you use Blender, press Ctrl + A > Location / Scale / Rotation to reposition scope's pivot
Example model file attached at the bottom of this entry
Export this scope model to FBX in Leadwerks
Step 2: Build scope's components
According to above concept, we have 3 main components: Scope Camera, Scope Model, Scope Camera Render Target. We will create them, one by one using LUA
First, import Scope Model to the scene > create a new Script > rename it to "Scope.lua" > apply script to Scope Model.
Here is the code
Script.scopePhysicalLength = 1 --This is actually the distance from Scope Camera to Scope Camera Render Target Script.scopeResolution = 512 --Scope render resolution, higer = better look = performance cost, 256 is fine Script.scopeFOV = 4 function Script:Start() --Create Scope Camera Render Target (SCRT) first self.scopeTexture = Texture:Create(self.scopeResolution,self.scopeResolution) self.scopeMaterial = Material:Create() self.scopeMaterial:SetShader("Shaders/Model/Diffuse.shader") self.scopeMaterial:SetColor(1,1,1,1) self.scopeMaterial:SetSortMode(true) --"SortMode = true" will eliminate the unwanted black shade in SCRT when render self.scopeMaterial:SetTexture(self.scopeTexture) self.scopeRenderTarget = Model:Cylinder(32) self.scopeRenderTarget:SetParent(self.entity) self.scopeRenderTarget:SetPosition(0,0,0) self.scopeRenderTarget:SetRotation(0,0,0) self.scopeRenderTarget:SetScale(0.065,0,0.065) --X and Z axis of scale should be adjusted to make sure SCRT is fit inside Scope Model self.scopeRenderTarget:SetMaterial(self.scopeMaterial) --Create Scope Camera self.scopeCamera = Camera:Create() self.scopeCamera:SetParent(self.entity) self.scopeCamera:SetPosition(0,self.scopePhysicalLength,0) self.scopeCamera:SetRotation(-90,0,0) self.scopeCamera:SetClearColor(1,1,1) self.scopeCamera:SetFOV(self.scopeFOV) --this FOV value should be smaller than 20 to make the zoom effect self.scopeCamera:SetRenderTarget(self.scopeTexture) --Create Scope Reticle self.scopeReticle = Model:Cylinder(32) self.scopeReticle:SetParent(self.entity) self.scopeReticle:SetPosition(0,-0.001,0) --make sure Reticle stays between main camera and CSRT self.scopeReticle:SetRotation(0,0,0) self.scopeReticle:SetScale(0.065,0,0.065) --This reticle should be the same size as SCRT local mtl = Material:Load("Materials/reticle.mat") self.scopeReticle:SetMaterial(mtl) end
Step 3: Check the resuilt
It should look like this
Small tutorial: How to create your own reticle texture
- Step 1: Use Photoshop or Gimp to create a PNG image of a reticle, it should look like this
- Step 2: Save this file to Leadwerks Project Assets Folder (ie: Materials/reticle.png) it will be converted to reticle.tex automatically
- Step 3: In Leadwerks, right click reticle.tex > Generate Material then config this material like image below
That is how you got your own scope reticle
*Tip: You can attach Scope Model to a Weapon Model and combine with iron sight feature in my previous tutorial
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