C++11 for Linux
The beta branch now contains an update that adds C++11 support for GCC on Linux. To use this you must enable C++11 support in the compiler settings in Code::Blocks. Select the Settings > Compiler and Debugger... menu item and then check the box indicated below.
All new projects created from the Leadwerks templates will work correctly out-of-the-box.
Your existing projects need a couple of new libraries added to them. The easiest way to do this is to open the CBP project file in a text editor. Find two chunks of text that look like this:
<Linker> <Add library="$(LeadwerksPath)/Library/Linux/Debug/Leadwerks.a" /> <Add library="dl" /> <Add library="openal" /> <Add library="GL" /> <Add library="GLU" /> <Add library="$(LeadwerksPath)/Library/Linux/libluajit.a" /> <Add library="../../libsteam_api.so" /> <Add library="X11" /> <Add library="Xext" /> <Add library="pthread" /> </Linker>
Add these two libraries to the list. Remember, this will occur twice in the file.
<Add library="Xrender" /> <Add library="Xft" />
Save the project file and you're ready to use C++11 features with Leadwerks on Linux.
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