Object's dimension in Blender and Leadwerks
It should be great if you can create a game world which has exact real-life object's dimensions. If you are using Blender to make game props for Leadwerks, these are some simple steps to help you archive the dimension match up.
Step 1:
- In Blender, go to Properties panel > Scene tab > Unit group
- Choose "Meters" from list.
- Make sure Length = Metric, Angle = Degree, Unit scale = 1
Step 2:
- This step is optional but can make you feel better with grid floor
- In 3D View, Press N to open Properties region > Display group
- Change Lines = 256, Scale = 0.1
- From now on, you can adjust object's dimensions parameters in Properties region to match real-life dimensions, it will be the dimensions when you import models into Leadwerks.
- Don't for get to Apply Transformation for object model, it is important. Do this before adjust object's dimensions. In blender Use Ctrl + A > Location / Rotation & Scale
Step 3: Fbx export
- Menu File > Export > Fbx
- Choose Version = FBX 7.4 binary
- Scale = 0.01
Step 4: Adjust exported model in Leadwerks Game Editor
- Double click mdl file in Assets Explorer to open it in model editor.
- Menu Tools > Collapse. This make sure model local rotation is correct.
- Menu Files > Save.
I attached my template .blend file below this post. It included a 1.7m height human model for better reference.
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