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New Project Idea




I'm trying to build a beautiful open world on map size 2048, where the player will have the possibility to play as a Street vendor, transporting and selling goods through the world.

The world should be an unhabitable zone. Unless you have a shield.

You will have manage your reccources between buying and re-selling goods, develop yourself with better vehicles, develop a little shopping industry, little bit enigm or fight to provide the shield.




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Yes no problem. You know everything is in balance.

I try to use with this map 2048 a normal character controller from Leadwerks because the physics and the modelling of the terrain become more difficult if you scale the map down. The positiv point is that you can use more paint colors, more vegetation and make a 1024 map very rich that looks like a big one. 

I'm working actually on twice project maps, the reduced one and this "normal" 2048, I'm little bit afraid about memory burnout with this one even if I only used 4/5 paint colors (4 is a minimum: Main, Rock, grass, road - underwater ground)

The scale down world is good playable, Here to compare, it's very reduced, the little jeep here is made for the reduced one:



And here a screenshot ingame with the down scaled character /world:



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Yes well thank you, but there is one more problem with down scaled world, that is the movement of NPC's : The LE character controller will now be to large to be used, entities may stuck between 2 trees for example.

So I could develop my own controller for NPC's (with reduced size); I think this could run as well as for the player except for one thing: Pathfinding !

NPC's would run from one point to another without the use of the Navmesh but they could NOT go around an house or a tree. They may collide with them and then may be able to choose another way, but that would let them act as roboters...

So it would be ok to make sheeps move in a farm for example, but not enough for more complex movements.

I study a little bit pathfinding, but this is indeed a very complicated thing.

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