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Custom Widgets




Remember that a widget's behaviour is dictated by the script that is attached to it.
Well its that simple just use a custom script for your widget and your done.

I will show you how to create a simple ColorLabel.
First copy the default Label.lua script and rename it to Colorlabel.lua
Now lets make some changes in your Colorlabel.lua so open it up.
We will add 2 variables to the script called bordercolor and textcolor they will be of type Vec4().

Script.bordercolor = Vec4(0.2,0.2,0.2,1)
Script.textcolor = Vec4(0.7,0.7,0.7,1)

Now lets change the draw function to use our color variables.

function Script:Draw(x,y,width,height)
	local gui = self.widget:GetGUI()
	local pos = self.widget:GetPosition(true)
	local sz = self.widget:GetSize(true)
	local scale = gui:GetScale()
	local text = self.widget:GetText()
	local indent=4
	if self.border==true then
		--set border color
		gui:SetColor(self.bordercolor.r, self.bordercolor.g, self.bordercolor.b, self.bordercolor.a)
	--set text color
	if text~="" then
		local style=0
		if self.align=="Left" then style = Text.Left end
		if self.align=="Center" then style = Text.Center end
		if self.align=="Right" then style = Text.Right end
		if self.valign=="Center" then style = style + Text.VCenter end
		if self.wordwrap==true then style = style + Text.WordWrap end
		if self.border==true then

Now lets change the label in our UI_Interface class to use our custom script.
Theres 2 ways to set a widget's script as i hinted earlier.

//option 1
label = Widget::Label("label", guiScale * 15, guiScale * 15, guiScale *80, guiScale * 20, panel);

//option 2
label = Widget::Create("label", guiScale * 15, guiScale * 15, guiScale * 80, guiScale * 20, panel, "Scripts/GUI/Colorlabel.lua");

Offcourse option 1 is quite silly when you have option 2 but it works.
Now lets set the text color for our newly created custom widget.

label->SetObject("textcolor", new Vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0));

Notice the undocumented SetObject() function which basicly sets variables of type Leadwerks::Object.

Theres not much more i can say about custom widgets other than, "Your imagination is the limit".
This concludes the tutorial part.
I hope it is of some use to anybody.

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