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Leadwerks Game Engine 4.5 Released, Enables Easy VR Development




Today we are pleased to announce the release of Leadwerks Game Engine 4.5.

Version 4.5 introduces support for VR headsets including the HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, and all OSVR-based hardware, allowing developers to create both room-scale and seated VR experiences. The Leadwerks virtual reality command set is robust yet incredibly simple allowing you to easily convert your existing 3D games into VR titles. To help get you started the source code for our Asteroids3D game has been updated for VR and is now freely available in the Leadwerks Games Showcase.


Leadwerks Game Engine is uniquely well-suited for VR because of its fast performance, ease of use, and the availability of C++ programming for demanding VR games. Several optimizations for VR have been made including combining the rendering of both eyes into a single culling step. The stability and accuracy of Newton Game Dynamics means we can have in-depth physics interactions in VR.

A new VR game template has been added to provide common VR features including teleportation locomotion and the ability to pick up and interact with objects in the environment.


Visual Studio 2017

We've also upgraded Leadwerks Professional Edition to build with Visual Studio 2017 so you can take advantage of the very latest Visual Studio features. Instructions for upgrading C++ projects from version 4.4 to 4.5 are available here.


Other Improvements

  • Added fog settings in editor and into map file format.
  • New joint scripts and enhancements.
  • Updated to Steamworks 1.41

You can pick up Leadwerks Game Engine with a discount during the Steam Winter Sale.

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Small note.  Skymap missing in from the VR template in my setup (possible I'm on pre release beta maybe).

Got VR working with PS VR and move controllers.  My PSVR setup terrible, not properly configured, but can confirm teleporter working OK with move controllers. 










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I'm using Trinus for PSVR with PSMoveService. I think it pretends to be Vive.  You see the controllers as Move controllers, as in screenshot above,  which is nice.  Haven't tested if all the buttons map out correctly but the teleport certainly works OK.


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Hello, I have a problem here, I try to open leadwerks a small window pops up that says:"Preparing to start Leadwerks engine", it closes and does not load the development environment. Any suggestions?. 

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Hi, I went to steam directory and launched leadwerks executable, it asks me for a library called msvcr100. dll.  Any suggestions?

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It sounds like the VC 2017 redistributable did not get installed maybe? It should have been installed automatically. What OS are you on?

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1 minute ago, Josh said:

It sounds like the VC 2017 redistributable did not get installed maybe? It should have been installed automatically. What OS are you on?

Hi, I'm on Windows 10 x64.

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1 minute ago, jen said:

@Yue Have you updated your project?

No, I have installed leadwerks engine again, without any previous project.

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1 minute ago, jen said:

You just need to update your project manually from the editor to get the new goodies. 


Hi, I don't charge the engine, I only get to see a brown window with a message:"Preparing to start the Leadwerks engine", then it closes and doesn't enter the editor or anything. 

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Its very good to know Leadwerks is supporting VR now. I find this highly interesting, although I wont focus on VR at the moment. I think this really could be the future!

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