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Luawerks Updated




Luawerks has been updated to easily transform any game into a Seated VR compatible one. All what's needed is the application to be launched with "-vr". All what has been added is the tweak discussed here

While Luawerks isn't really ideal for Room scale VR, seated on the other hand works better. The center tracking call gets called every time the game gets unpaused. At this time, the UI doesn't work with VR. Keep in-mind that there might be some tweaking to your game to make it 100% VR compatible. For example, if you launch the FPS template map in VR, the bullets should be based on where the player is looking not the mouse position. Don't want have VR? No problem, this only effects the core files (Window, System, Time) and has no other changes to the UI. VR mode is just a bonus. Of course, you can force it to always boot into VR mode.

About Luawerks

Luawerks is a Lua framework for video games developed on the Leadwerks Game Engine. It supplies developers with additional functions, handles the game loop and allows them to debug their code with a developers console. With all that out of the way, you can focus on making your game fun!

You can purchase Luawerks from the Leadwerks Workshop Store for $9.99.

For documentation and bug reporting, please visit the GitHub page.

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