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Awesome Redesign & Update & Steam!

Phodex Games




Doesn’t the new design of Bladequest look awesome? To celebrate it I just released Bladequest - TFC 1.4.0, including the new design and a voice over for the intro and outro screen, spoken by myself, introducing the project. I think this adds a more personal touch to the game. What do you think about it?

The game is now also available on gamejolt, running very good there! Bladequest was downloaded over 100 times within 3 days, thats awesome! To celebrate that I started a sale for the GOLD Edition. Get it 67% OFF!

Thanks to Josh Bladequest is also coming to Steam soon! I am very excited to continue development and deliever more content and better quality.

Enjoy the update and have a great time!

Markus from Phodex Games!

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