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Clustered Forward Rendering Victory




I got the remaining glitches worked out, and the deal is that clustered forward rendering works great. It has more flexibility than deferred rendering and it performs a lot faster. This means we can use a better materials and lighting system, and at the same time have faster performance, which is great for VR especially. The video below shows a scene with 50 lights working with fast forward rendering

One of the last things I added was switching from a fixed grid size of 16x16x16 to an arbitrary layout that can be set at any time. Right now I have it set to 16x8x64, but I will have to experiment to see what the optimum dimensions are.

There are a lot of things to add (like shadows!) but I have zero concern about everything else working. The hard part is done, and I can see that this technique works great.

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I did a comparison with the deferred renderer and the new forward renderer is about three times faster with 50 lights, again using Intel graphics to bring out the performance slowdowns.


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This could solve a lot of problems and give us a much smoother transition from here to where we want to go in the future:

  1. Leadwerks Game Engine 4 (deferred rendering, existing editor) [Now]
  2. Leadwerks Game Engine 5 (clustered forward rendering, real-time GI, PBR materials, existing architecture, existing editor) [Christmas 2018]
  3. Turbo Game Engine (clustered forward rendering, new architecture,  new editor) [April 2020]

I just thought of this a couple hours ago, so I can't say right now for sure if we will go this route, but we will see. No matter what, I want to get a version 4.6 out first with a few features and fixes.


So it's planned for LW 5

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Please improve game character with higher bones animations speed.. Currently the zombie characters with 50ish bones will make the games slowed a lot compare to the crawler with 30ish bones. Anybody using mixamo or fuse will be disappointed if this is not rectify or improved.

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18 minutes ago, tumira said:

Please improve game character with higher bones animations speed.. Currently the zombie characters with 50ish bones will make the games slowed a lot compare to the crawler with 30ish bones. Anybody using mixamo or fuse will be disappointed if this is not rectify or improved.


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Will it be in Leadwerks 4 , Leadwerks 5  Or Turbo ? To be honest I'm a bit confused with current roadmap. Maybe you could write up a new detailed blogs on current roadmap ? What can we expect in Leadwerks 4, Leadweks 5, Turbo ? Will there be any discount ? No more steam ? Subscription based pricing ?

Thanks. Good job on the new improvement.

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36 minutes ago, tumira said:

Will it be in Leadwerks 4 , Leadwerks 5  Or Turbo ? To be honest I'm a bit confused with current roadmap. Maybe you could write up a new detailed blogs on current roadmap ? What can we expect in Leadwerks 4, Leadweks 5, Turbo ? Will there be any discount ? No more steam ? Subscription based pricing ?

Thanks. Good job on the new improvement.

In Turbo, animation is performed on a separate thread in the background, so it's basically no-cost.

The rest is what we are currently discussing.


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7 hours ago, Josh said:

I don't know, is that something people want?

Like I said previously, anything that can be swapped into Leadwerks in favor of speed is a positive. It also gives you real world tests for Turbo. 

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The most appealing thing about that is it gives all your projects a big jump in appearance and performance with no changes required. Just recompile in version 5 and it works. Theoretically.

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5 hours ago, Josh said:

The most appealing thing about that is it gives all your projects a big jump in appearance and performance with no changes required. Just recompile in version 5 and it works. Theoretically.

Very cool, make it happen then. I'm sure people here would pay for that update. ?

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Hello there is something I'm not sure...

Until now I can't really see a really difference between LE 4 and 5 examples because LE4 allows in my view very nice, possibly well designed scene as long as the terrain becomes not too big....

By working on big terrain (4096 or 2048) became the engine to be unable to save correctly painted surfaces with more than 4 DIFFERENT brushes, and then adding the (eventually shaped) vegetation tool items on this, and adding the navigation, the different models, the scripts, and the animated characters (the point is DIFFERENT ones), and light etc..etc... This ended for me because of performances in a totally disaster !

So well I wonder if this will be realizable in LE5.

Because every feature seems good to work tested individually in a small example, I think it is necessery to test all the features together on one big map to see if it stays stable (just as a good game requires)

For me could be a test with 1000 (or 200?) high poly DIFFERENT characters/models something interesting - maybe like in the game "Prototype 2": It's incredible how soft the game can be played with all features like cars driving NPC, physics, and many many animated characters !

Because DIFFERENT means too different textures etc I think my ideas run in a no way because of performance crash.

Than I got the idea to create the world and everything in a reduced size. This gave good results expect for two points:

- NPC default shape becomes too big and so the navigation is ruined 

- the driving experience is not so good as in "normal" size.

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