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Celebrating the success of Bladequest!

Phodex Games




I decided to do a small party, eating some delicious food, celebrating the success of Bladequest - The First Chapter. It had over 450 downloads over within only 7 days and counting, I had the first few sales and Josh is supporting me bringing the game on steam.

This is really awesome, thank you soo much, you make it possible for me to live my dream and make me feel the fire deep in my hearth, which gives me the power and motivation to bring my upcoming games on a new exciting quality level!

I will soon start a Devlog kind of series on YouTube, where I introduce cool new features and content waiting for you in my next project, so you can give direct feedback and together we can make it awesome :D!

Stay cool!

Markus from Phodex Games!

Grab the Game here!

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My Youtube Channel!
Your Games Wishlist so I can craft a game to your needs!

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