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Volcanic ash, no flights and weekend progress




It's been a blissfully quiet weekend.


The Combat-Helo configuration files are now in an easier to use XML format and I added a lot of extra options too. Player profile name, host IP, graphics filters etc. Fullscreen and Windowed modes having their own settings.


Also experimented with light scattering, we'll be adding per time-of-day lighting and retiring the old LB2 style skybox. That's not a priority item just something that's nice to toy as a little break.


Arming system which should have been completed already (lots of interruptions this week) has had some GUI elements added to it to improve feedback, just have to write the descriptions for all the ammo. The Apache is receiving the arming messages fine but not visibly showing the loaded rounds. On the whole, not too happy with all the GUI as it is. I made something that was easy to fit to multiple resolutions but it could use a little polish.



I ran another test with the Autopatcher and it's still a bust. The file it's wanting is created server-side but the client patcher can't reach it. So another email exchange with tech-support tomorrow.4946580266235927217-6475528169469329944?l=combathelo.blogspot.com





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