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Smoothed car drive - Leadwerks 4.5




I'm just happy to get this work :) here is a demo:

This is actually better than driving in 4.3 because cars are now  able to jump or crash without experimenting crazy rotations or whatever  ?



Here is the script to make this:


> Here the values I used:





> And here what changed: Is written in dark:


function Script:Start()

-- [...........]

-- Construit les amortisseurs: / suspensions
local n
local pos
    for n=0,3 do
        self.Amortisseurs[n]=Joint:Slider(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, 0,1,0, self.Axes[n], self.entity)


        self.Amortisseurs[n]:SetTargetAngle(-self.Amort)    --at the middle if 0
        self.Amortisseurs[n]:SetMotorSpeed(10000)    ------------- vitesse de la pompe/ suspensions speed
        self.Amortisseurs[n]:SetStrength(self.Force)    --defatul is 1000


-- [...........]     


-----  I removed the backward suspensions with 2* forces because this only depends on the positions of the suspensions on the chassis.

----- Making them symmetrical is ok to solve this.


function Script:UpdatePhysics()

if self.MyCar==1 and InCar>0 then

-- Traite la direction:    
local turning=0
    local direction=self.Volants[0]:GetAngle()

    if window:KeyDown(Key.Left) then
        direction=direction-5 turning=-1
    elseif window:KeyDown(Key.Right) then
        direction=direction+5 turning=1
    elseif window:KeyDown(Key.Left)==false and window:KeyDown(Key.Right)== false then 
        if Math:Round(direction)>0 then direction=direction-5
        elseif Math:Round(direction)<0 then direction=direction+5

-- Traite l'acceleration:

local Gas=0
        if window:KeyDown(Key.Up) then
            self.currspeed = self.currspeed + 10
            if self.currspeed>self.SpeedMax then
        elseif window:KeyDown(Key.Down) then
            self.currspeed = self.currspeed - 10
            if self.currspeed<-self.SpeedMax then

        if Gas==0 then  self.currspeed=0
            for n=0,3 do
            for n=0,3 do
            if self.Rouages[n]:MotorEnabled()==false then self.Rouages[n]:EnableMotor() end

            self.Tires[n]:SetOmega(self.Tires[n]:GetOmega()*Vec3(5,5,5))   ---------  make the car go faster


if turning==0 then
else self.entity:SetOmega(0,turning*Gas,0) end



-- fake wheels update:



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Listen to a question, how is it possible that you climb steep hills, in my case the car doesn't get in, it runs out of strength.

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24 minutes ago, Yue said:

Listen to a question, how is it possible that you climb steep hills, in my case the car doesn't get in, it runs out of strength.

You probably need to adjust the wheel speed to not go so fast. This is the hardest part. If you just use a constant wheel speed it will be either too overpowered or too weak.

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The question is how realistic should that be, well making a monster truck is sure a challenge ?

Normal cars doesn't have to climb to much or just make a soft road like 10-15 slope rotation.

This car climbs a 20% road .. Just check the friction(5,5) on the tires! Maybe for a monster truck should the tires be bigger ? (not tested)


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I understand that the slope goes up with enough momentum, however if you stop on a slope like that, you will most likely not go up. Then I thought about the gears of a car and the question is how realistic is the question 

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I have a problem, when I want to put the tires in the respective place of the chassis of my vehicle, the car starts to jump like crazy. Any suggestions? 



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6 minutes ago, Josh said:

Maybe the chassis is hitting the tires?


If that seems to be the case, there are some commands to disable the tires from colliding with the chassis? any suggestions are welcome. 



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Hey Yue,

I did this to avoid this problem for sure:

set the chassis collision type to "character" and set the tires to collision type "debris". Because there is no collision between character and debris.

You have to control the mass of the tires and chassis too: big chassis mass + little tires mass = crazy jumping.

I would not fix the tires directly on your "MontaCargas", instead of this fix them on a simple box (that you have to create, just as big as your model is) and set the MontaCargas als child, just as a decoration object with no shape.

If the simple box becomes drivable, you can add whatever you want as "deco" model... Set then the box a invisible material to hide it. 

It is maybe fake... but it runs ;) 

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Thank you, the problem has been solved, undoubtedly something new to learn about "Debris" that translates into Spanish as rubble, very small things. 

Thank you very much. 


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self.Tires[n]:SetOmega(self.Tires[n]:GetOmega()*Vec3(5,5,5))   ---------  make the car go faster

very smart!


if turning==0 then
else self.entity:SetOmega(0,turning*Gas,0) end



-- fake wheels update:


too much tuning on all of this constants... very nice!

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i do like the way the cars behave at low speed with leadwerks physics, but, as speed rises it shakes so much, so for omega i was using something like:


this way, i use the omega practically unaltered at low speed and then as speed rises and goes near maxSpeed, the x,y,z components are modulated

playing with the 1+2* or 1+1* or 1+5* i get more or less attenuation on desired axes.

I do not play with your car, stiil, I will for sure, in the video it looks and behaves very well, but so much rigid at low speed (for me )

the x5 is still in my mind.. will try, thank´s for sharing all this stuff

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thx for sharing your ideas too 

I'm not sure about SetOmega how it works....

> I first thought SetOmega(..., false) would be what I need as the tires are children... But I could not get anything regular..?‍♀️

> Then I thought SetOmega(0,0,0) should be the best I want to drop down the crazy shaking rotations.

> Then I found that 


is a little bit better. As it throws an inverted force to the angle velocity.

> I think *Vec3(-5,-5,-5)) would make the shaking forces same (or more?) but just inverted, not tested I just did not try but maybe it works ??


It's fascinating to make several 100 of tests to understand how the engines works... There is much to learn from Docu and forum and so much remains to test how the engine answers.




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