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I've got the basic GI algorithm working but it needs a lot of work to be correct. I tend to do very well when the exact outcome is well-defined, but I am not as good at dealing with open-ended "artistic" programming. I may end up outsourcing the details of the GI shader to someone else, but the underlying data management is solid enough that I am not scared of it anymore.

There's a lot of aspects of the design I'm not scared of anymore. We worked out smart pointers (including Lua integration), physically-based rendering, and most importantly the crazy ideas I had for the super efficient architecture work really well.

At this point I think I am going to put the GI on hold, since I could play around with that endlessly, and focus on getting a new build out to the beta subscribers. We're going to just use a single skybox for ambient and specular reflections right now, and when it's ready GI and environment probes will provide that. 

After that I think I will focus on the physics and navigation systems, exposing the entire API to Lua, and getting some of the outsourced work started. There's a few things I plan to farm out:

  • Visual Studio Code Lua debugger
  • GI details
  • Weather system
  • Water and clouds systems

Everything else is pretty well under my control. This started out as an idea for an impossible design, but everything has fallen into place pretty neatly.

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  • Weather system +++
  • Water and clouds systems  +++
  • Road builder system ? It 's a must in an infinite world ;)

So yes it's a challenge to build weather system in LE4.5 but just as good as waiting for LE5 ?!

I wonder how long will be LE4 in course after LE5 comes out....Just like nobody still use LE3 what ?

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Yes, roads too. That comes with the terrain system, which I still have a lot of questions about.

Leadwerks 4.6 or 4.7 will probably be the last 4.x version.

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1 hour ago, Rick said:

Any plans for the networking side of things?

I think that is pretty much done and ready to roll out.

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40 minutes ago, Josh said:

I think that is pretty much done and ready to roll out.

I don't recall, were these commands exposed to Lua?

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36 minutes ago, Rick said:

I don't recall, were these commands exposed to Lua?

I honestly don’t remember. Documentation has not been written, and the beta branch was rolled back so we can do a small update next week

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I have a random question: will Turbo continue to incorporate libraries/tools Leadwerks has now?  I'm thinking specifically Steam SDK but also libcurl, GameAnalytics and anything else currently in Leadwerks.  Is there anything that might be cut?

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4 minutes ago, gamecreator said:

I have a random question: will Turbo continue to incorporate libraries/tools Leadwerks has now?  I'm thinking specifically Steam SDK but also libcurl, GameAnalytics and anything else currently in Leadwerks.  Is there anything that might be cut?

All of that will be included. No need to remove any of those.

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After that I think I will focus on the physics and navigation systems, exposing the entire API to Lua...

With Turbo and its extreme lightning cowabunga speed capabilities :D, do you plan to have dynamic navmesh generation to be an available feature like shown in the early LE3 dev videos? 


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