Plugins Expanded
This month I was working on a lot of NASA projects using Leadwerks. My goal with this is to build up enough business that I can start hiring more people to help. It's nice to make money using my own tools, and it gives me a lot of ideas for the new engine.
This morning I felt like experimenting with the design of plugins in the new editor a bit. I came up with two types of plugins. One will add an new menu item to the model editor that flips the normals of the current model. The ProcessEvent() function intercepts a GUI event in the editor and performs new functionality:
Plugin.title = "Flip Model Normals" Plugin.description = "Reverses the faces of all triangles in the model editor." function Plugin:Load() local menu ="Plugins") if menu~=nil then self.menuitem = menu:AddItem("Flip Normals") end end function Plugin:Unload() if self.menuitem~=nil then self.menuitem:Free() end end function Plugin:ProcessEvent(event) if = EVENT_MENUACTION then if event.source = self.menuitem then if Editor.modelEditor.model~=nil then self:FlipNormals(Editor.modelEditor.model) Editor.modelEditor:Redraw() return false end end end return true end function Plugin:FlipNormals(model) local n,k,lod,mesh,i,a,b,c for n=0,#model.lods do lod = model.lods[n] for k=0,#lod.meshes do mesh = lod.meshes[k] mesh:Unlock() for i=0,#mesh.indices/3 do a = mesh.indices[i*3+0] b = mesh.indices[i*3+1] c = mesh.indices[i*3+2] mesh.indices[i*3+0] = c mesh.indices[i*3+2] = a end mesh:Lock() end end end
Another type of plugin adds some new functionality to your game. This one is different because it loads a function from a dynamically linked library and passes the Lua state to a function: In this case, I decided to try separating analytics off into its own plugin, simply because it is a self-contained system that doesn't interfere with the rest of the engine: = "Example" Plugin.title = "Example Plugin" Plugin.description = "This is an example plugin." function Plugin:GetPath() local ext="" if GetOS()=="Windows" then ext = "dll" elseif GetOS()=="Linux" then ext = "so" elseif GetOS()=="MacOS" ext = "dylib" end return end function Plugin:Load() local f = package.loadlib(self:GetPath(),"Load") if type(f)=="function" then f(GetLuaState()) end end function Plugin:Unload() local f = package.loadlib(self:GetPath(),"Unload") if type(f)=="function" then f() end end
The source code for the dynamic library would be something like this:
#include "GameAnalytics.h" bool Load(sol::state* L) { L->set_function("EnableAnalytics", EnableAnalytics); } void Unload() { } bool EnableAnalytics(const bool state) { return true; }
Once the plugin is loaded, the Lua state would be passed to the DLL (or .so, or .dylib) and the new commands would get inserted into the Lua state.
So what does a plugin consist of?
- A ,lua or precompiled .luac file is required.
- If the plugin uses C++ code, a .dll, .so, and .dylib are required.
- Optional source code and project(s) for the dynamically linked library.
And what can a plugin do?
- Add new features to the editor.
- Add new Lua commands to use in your game.
That's all for now.
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