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GDC 2019




I have not gone in several years because everything we were doing revolved around Steam, and it just didn't seem very important. But this year I had some business to attend to so I spent the last three days in San Francisco.

I still have a lot of friends in the game industry, and the reaction to my plans for the new engine was very positive. A few years ago people would have groaned at the idea of another engine, but it seems they are now bored with technology and very open to something new. The angle we are taking plays well to the audience. Basically all my predictions about how to sell a new game engine in 2020 were confirmed.

We do need to have tip-top examples to show off next year, and that starts with good artwork. At this point I am probably only planning to show a first-person shooter, an offroad racing game, and then whatever the NASA team comes up with. And in order to get that done in time, I need to start planning, now!

I feel very focused on what needs to happen, what is important, and what is not. My idea of what I want is so clear. It doesn't seem that hard to complete.



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