This little game is here free to play:!AiVBgjDAyIXLs1khcglU6UKFbI_4?e=4oK8Sj
1] First step:
Adapting the Spline tool to build what we need:
I combined some of the possibilities that offers the Spline Tool (great thing) to obtain all this in one:
- Cars align and follow the roads (rotation)
- While using Physics, and so collisions
- While using reverse travel (cars go back on the road)
2] next step:
- We need speed cars in this game, beautiful , well smoothed, and challenging that can drive a few rounds on a loop racing road, here it is:
I'm just thinking there is no way to overtake this car ! So we have here a nice challenging game.
Next step will be build a playable race car, maybe able to overtake this.
3] Playable speed car
this video shows a little playable demo challenging 3 cars, here I only get the second place:
Last step should be adding Speed infos, Time needed, best time, the place..
4) Here I managed a player interface to get informations like the speed and the place at which you are actually driving.
A little bit car optimization, and here is a little funny challenging game.
Next step should be adding options like choose your car model and colors, sounds, music, how much players...
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