Firefox Explorer
I like standard interfaces. I like the consistency of having all programs look the same. That's why web browsers bug me a lot sometimes; They each have their own unique look. It's disappointing to me how Microsoft has gotten away from this idea. Why oh why can't Windows have skins? But I digress.
In terms of performance, my favorite browser would probably be Opera. In terms of appearance, my favorite is Internet Explorer 6. I know, web designers hate it for its quirks. I don't use it due to security issues. But I still like it because it is the only web browser out there with what I consider a simple standard interface. So I took matters into my own hands and found a skin that makes Firefox look like IE6. Then I replaced the program icon with the IE6 icon. I also edited some configuration settings to change the name of the program. I give you Firefox Explorer!:
In all seriousness, the reason I am getting away from Microsoft Office is the ribbon interface. I've been using it since 2007, but I still prefer the Office 2003 interface. If they still had that as an option, I would be happily buying Office 2010. Maybe I am not representative of the average customer, but I have my likes and dislikes, and consistency is a big one for me.
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