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Terrain Normal Update Multithreading




Multithreading is very useful for processes that can be split into a lot of parallel parts, like image and video processing. I wanted to speed up the normal updating for the new terrain system so I added a new thread creation function that accepts any function as the input, so I can use std::bind with it, the same way I have been easily using this to send instructions in between threads:

shared_ptr<Thread> CreateThread(std::function<void()> instruction);

The terrain update normal function has two overloads. Once can accept parameters for the exact area to update, but if no parameters are supplied the entire terrain is updated:

virtual void UpdateNormals(const int x, const int y, const int width, const int height);
virtual void UpdateNormals();

This is what the second overloaded function looked like before:

void Terrain::UpdateNormals()
	UpdateNormals(0, 0, resolution.x, resolution.y);

And this is what it looks like now:

void Terrain::UpdateNormals()
	const int MAX_THREADS_X = 4;
	const int MAX_THREADS_Y = 4;
	std::array<shared_ptr<Thread>, MAX_THREADS_X * MAX_THREADS_Y> threads;
	Assert((resolution.x / MAX_THREADS_X) * MAX_THREADS_X == resolution.x);
	Assert((resolution.y / MAX_THREADS_Y) * MAX_THREADS_Y == resolution.y);
	for (int y = 0; y < MAX_THREADS_Y; ++y)
		for (int x = 0; x < MAX_THREADS_X; ++x)
			threads[y * MAX_THREADS_X + x] = CreateThread(std::bind((void(Terrain::*)(int, int, int, int)) & Terrain::UpdateNormals, this, x * resolution.x / MAX_THREADS_X, y * resolution.y / MAX_THREADS_Y, resolution.x / MAX_THREADS_X, resolution.y / MAX_THREADS_Y));
	for (auto thread : threads)
	for (auto thread : threads)

Here are the results, using a 2048x2048 terrain. You can see that multithreading dramatically reduced the update time. Interestingly, four threads runs more than four times faster than a single thread. It looks like 16 threads is the sweet spot, at least on this machine, with a 10x improvement in performance.


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The reason four threads was less than 25% the speed of one is because some calculations were being skipped. I fixed that and the numbers are a little higher now, but still form the same curve.

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