Leadwerks is so cozy
I spent a whole week for learning UE4 with cpp, yep, UE4 is a great engine for sure, but I found out that my mind could not understand the way UE4 works easily. It is too complex and made me tired. Then I returned to my Leadwerks project and felt so familiar. Soooo... sweet, everything is simple as it is
It felt like I have had a long trip to UE city then return to my hometown. I miss Leadwerks indeed.
Last year, I thought I could only use Leadwerks with LUA and never touch its CPP side. But I tried my best, learned Cpp for 8 months. Now I am not a cpp pro but I am confident in using this language. At least I can rewrite my whole project in CPP instead. this 3-years project helped me to understand my potential and interest in gamedev.
I wish Josh be successful in progress of making Turbo, a new hope for much better Leadwerks.
To all people who are using Leadwerks and help me these years, love you.
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