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Leadwerks 5 beta Update




A big update is now available for beta subscribers!

Multipass Rendering

You can use several cameras to increase the depth range or mix 2D and 3D graphics.

2D Graphics

As discussed earlier, 2D graphics are now supported using persistent 2D objects.

Depth Sorting

Multiple layers of transparency will now render in correct order, with lighting in each layer. Note that I used an empty script called "null.lua" to prevent the glass surfaces here from being collapsed at load.


Coroutine Sequences

Lua coroutine sequences are working now. Lua coroutines can be added to an entity and they will be updated each frame, in order:

function Start()

Key / Action Bindings

Key bindings are now working for Lua scripts or C++ actors. You supply a default key code and an action name. Action name is not implemented yet but later it will allow the player to remap their keys.


Along with text rendering and Unicode support, you can now load language definition sets to automatically replace your text when you call CreateText.

auto lang = LoadLanguage("Config/Localization/German.json");

Language files are just a bunch of JSON key pairs:

	"Hello": "Guten Tag",
	"How are you?": "Wie gehts?",
	"I must have an apple.": "Ich muss einen Apfel haben."

Vertical fonts are not currently supported.

Notification Boxes and File Dialogs

In anticipation of our new editor, these have been added.



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