EAX Effects in Leadwerks 5 beta
I've been doing some work on the sound system in Leadwerks 5 beta, and I added EAX effects in. If you have a dedicated sound card this can be used to add some nice reverb effects that make your sound environment sound a lot more real:
Here's the simplest usage:
auto fx = LoadSoundEffect("Sound/FX/sewerpipe.json"); auto listener = CreateListener(world); listener->SetEffect(fx);
This will apply the effect to all mono sources. Stereo sources are assumed to be music or GUI noises, and will be unaffected. Eventually, the way I see this being used is a script attached to a CSG brush that changes the listener's EAX effect when the player enters and leaves the volume, but the above shows the API approach.
I exported all the EAX presets into JSON files like so. You can load one of the existing files, or if you are feeling really creative you can try making your own:
{ "AirAbsorptionGainHF": 0.99426, "DecayHFLimit": 0, "DecayHFRatio": 0.89, "DecayLFRatio": 0.41, "DecayTime": 2.76, "Density": 1.0, "Diffusion": 0.82, "EchoDepth": 0.17, "EchoTime": 0.13, "Gain": 0.316228, "GainHF": 0.281838, "GainLF": 0.0891251, "HFReference": 2854.4, "LateReverbGain": 0.891251, "LateReverbPan": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "LFReference": 107.5, "LateReverbDelay": 0.02, "ModulationDepth": 0.0, "ModulationTime": 0.25, "ReflectionsDelay": 0.029, "ReflectionsGain": 0.354813, "ReflectionsPan": [0.0, 0.0, -0.0], "RoomRolloffFactor": 0.0 }
Here's the full list of available presets:
- CastleSmallroom
- CastleMediumroom
- CastleLongpassage
- CastleLargeroom
- CastleHall
- CastleCupboard
- CastleCourtyard
- CastleAlcove
- FactoryAlcove
- FactoryShortPassage
- FactoryMediumRoom
- FactoryLongPassage
- FactoryLargeRoom
- FactoryHall
- FactoryCupboard
- FactoryCourtyard
- FactorySmallRoom
- IcepalaceAlcove
- IcepalaceShortPassage
- IcepalaceMediumRoom
- IcepalaceLongPassage
- IcepalaceLargeroom
- IcepalaceHall
- IcepalaceCupboard
- IcepalaceCourtyard
- IcepalaceSmallRoom
- SpacestationAlcove
- SpacestationMediumRoom
- SpacestationShortpassage
- SpacestationLongPassage
- SpacestationLargeRoom
- SpacestationHall
- SpacestationCupboard
- SpacestationSmallRoom
- WoodenAlcove
- WoodenShortPassage
- WoodenMediumRoom
- WoodenLongPassage
- WoodenLargeRoom
- WoodenHall
- WoodenCupboard
- WoodenSmallRoom
- WoodenCourtyard
- SportEmptyStadium
- SportSquashCourt
- SportSmallSwimmingPool
- SportLargeSwimmingPool
- SportGymnasium
- SportFullStadium
- SportStadiumTannoy
- Workshop
- SchoolRoom
- PractiseRoom
- Outhouse
- Caravan
- Dome
- Tomb
- PipeSmall
- DomeSaintPauls
- PipeLongThing
- PipeLarge
- PipeResonant
- OutdoorsBackyard
- OutdoorsRollingPlains
- OutdoorsDeepCanyon
- OutdoorsCreek
- OutdoorsValley
- MoodHeaven
- MoodHell
- MoodMemory
- DrivingCommentator
- DrivingPitGarage
- DrivingInCarRacer
- DrivingInCarSports
- DrivingFullGrandstand
- DrivingEmptyGrandstand
- DrivingTunnel
- CityStreets
- CitySubway
- CityMuseum
- CityLibrary
- CityUnderpass
- Dustyroom
- Chapel
- SmallWaterRoom
I might consider implementing Steam Audio in the future (formerly Phonon) but for now OpenAL does everything I want.
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