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Took a break from 3d modeling work for the past few days, decided to play around with lighting and other effects in 3ds max to get a general sense of what types of environment/moods can be created.

I made a material with some emissive maps and applied it to my simple cube scene, thought I would post it since it turned out pretty cool (3ds max rendering):


More to come later on...

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There is a bit of confusion in the lighting. Am I looking at a specular reflection from a scene light, or is the little light on the wall illuminating the wall itself?

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1 hour ago, JMichaelK said:

There is a bit of confusion in the lighting. Am I looking at a specular reflection from a scene light, or is the little light on the wall illuminating the wall itself?

I set up a dim omni light in the middle of the scene as well as a series of white-ish omni lights on the walls.

(FYI Omni lights are also the same as conventional point lights in Max, in case you were wondering).

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