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I had an idea..




I was thinking yesterday while watching my first game map cycle through the days and nights..  Why can't we also cycle through the seasons..  If I have asset's that have fall, winter, and summer versions, then can we load and change those in real time?  I know this is not the first time anyone has done/though of this, but it was a pretty good thought for me.  All to often game levels (in the online versions) are just static maps with sometimes breakable objects, and yes even most have day/night cycles.  Not everything has to be so static all the time..

So, i am sure this will be done in Lua..  (I think)  Using SQLite, we can store the number of days in a year, at which days the new cycle starts, and which day it is.  Each time the day night cycle completes it adds 1 to the current day..  Simple enough right?  So then its just a matter of changing the models, so how do we access the models?  How do we tell the engine to load the new ones, and should they all change at the same time, or should it be random?

I think we need a single controller.  This controller will determine each of the sub components and tell them when to change.  It must communicate with the SQLite AND the model controllers.  It must also communicate with post processing (after all we want it to rain, snow, hail, etc....).  If we are going to have seasons, then we need seasons.

So off to learn/research, and test..  wish me luck



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