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Forum Software and Theme Updated




Our forum software and theme have been updated. The new theme is just the default Invision Power Board skin, with our own header and footer added.

In the past I put a lot of effort into getting the forum to look exactly the way I wanted, and I don't think that effort was a very good use of time. Each forum update requires us to redo the skin, and I just don't feel like it is that important. I can fine-tune the appearance of the user interface in the Leadwerks Editor, but this web stuff is out of my hands. The fact that Google is forcing everyone to use "responsive design" just means web design is always going to be a compromise. So I am just going with a direction that requires minimal maintenance.

In the future, I would like to develop a dark theme and use that as the default. Again, it would just be the default theme with the colors changed, and no attempt to change the layout.

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