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Quick update on what is happening so far. Lately I have not had as much time to work in substance painter because I have been busy, however in my spare time I have been working on refining the base material which I will use to apply to the numerous textures I have created as part of the scifi collection. Little tweaks here and there mainly to make the results a little more pleasing and less noisy.


Above I have tweaked a majority of the masks for rust as well as surface detail variations so that the metal is not too noisy/bumpy. Also reduced some of the height of the peeling paint details since they were sticking out a little too much before. Before it was beginning to look like the paint had been applied in a layer that was 5mm thick. In addition, I added a darker, heavier dust layer which is mainly isolated to the bigger crevices and cracks. I did this mainly to add more depth and make the panels stick out more.

Also added details for rivets and "aluminum" pieces. Still need to do some work with variating the dark metal surfaces a bit more though. The brighter metal parts came out good and I am happy with them.

Last thing on the list will be to clean up the master material file and make editing paint colors, base metal colors, etc. much easier so that I do not have to poke through the layer stack each time I want to change something. I will do this through anchor points and having "proxy layers" at the very bottom of the layer stack that do not impact the final look of the texture but instead serve as makeshift color selectors. I also still need to add a few more different materials such as rubber, for the textures that include hoses or related parts.


Stay tuned.

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