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Ultra App Kit beta updated with DPI scaling support




An update for Ultra App Kit beta on Steam is now available. This finishes the user interface scaling to support HD, 4K, 8K, and other resolutions. My original plan was to force an application restart if the scale setting was changed, but I found a way to dynamically resize the interface in a manner that gives natural results, so it now supports dynamic rescaling. That is, if the user changes the Windows DPI setting, or if a window is dragged to a monitor with a different DPI setting, the application will receive an event and rescale the interface dynamically.

Below you can see a sample interface scaled at 100% and 150%:



Ultra App Kit can be pre-ordered in our store now. You will receive the finished software when it is complete, and a Steam key now to access the beta:




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Another update:

  • Example app now demonstrates treeview drag-and-drop behavior.
  • Fixed border around listbox and treeview.
  • Fixed font scale error.
  • Slight improvements in menu appearance and behavior.
  • Removed manifest file from VC project.
  • SVG pixmap loading is now built-in.
  • Removed OpenAL library.
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And another update:

  • Added STEPPER style sliders.
  • Added OK and CANCEL button styles (enter and escape key will activate these unless another widget is focused that uses these keys).
  • Added checked menu items.
  • Added toolbar buttons.
  • Added GROUP style panels.

And with that, all the widget functionality I was planning on is finished.

Still to do:

  • Finish scrollbars on some widgets.
  • Light color theme.
  • Documentation.
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Another update has added vertical scrolling on text area and tree view widgets. Drag-and-drop tree view widgets now automatically scroll the panel when you drag near the top or bottom of the widget. Timer problems with some repeat events have also been fixed. Menus and combobox popups have been made a bit darker for better contrast with the window contents.

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Another update adds horizontal scrolling on text area and tree view widgets, which finishes out all the functionality I wanted. (This is something the scene tree in LE4 never had.)

I also fixed a bug in the SVG loader (I think) that was causing a random crash during loading.

I developed this all on a monitor with 125% scaling before I had the scaling worked out, so I think everything is about 25% too big. I want to go through and compare all the element sizes to the approximate sizes in the win32 interface.

Color scheme system needs to be worked out and finalized.

And I need to make our little project manager app to create new projects and select recent ones.

I'll probably move on to the documentation first, because that will allow people to start using the SDK faster.



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