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Nonsquare Trim Textures (4K)




Last couple of days I have been working on making the master material for all of these scifi textures to be nonsquare-capable. This is mostly complete, just need to make presets for all of the different sized textures in the pack (512x2048, 256x2048, etc). A couple of bugs I will need to iron out as well but those should also not take too much time Some of the edge wears and grunges still need a little taking care of so that they are consistent with the regular square textures.

Below is a test in 3ds Max with a 1024x2048 trim texture that I was able to put together very quickly with what I currently have done so far. I think it turned out great given that I was really worried about potentially bad artifacts coming out in SP (which did not happen thankfully). All of the details are there and in the right proportions.

Thanks for the continued support and I am really glad to finally be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel in regards to this project. I really want to get it finished as soon as possible.






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