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Additional Iconset for Leadwerks

Michael Betke



Sometimes you need a break from work and do simple other stuff to get fresh in your mind or just relax a bit. While waiting for my new workstation which I exspect next week plus organizing some work, I had the idea for an additional iconset. I'm a fan of coherent icons in a simple look. I also support the trend of dark UI elements which doesn't hurt the eye if you look at them for hours. Plus dark colors give some kind of a frame around your working canvas.

I never was a big fan of the Leadwerks icons but they do their job and you get used to the generic windows looks very fast. So it's not pretty but effective.


Unfortunatly all custom colors were locked with the introduction to 2.32. So I would need to do dark icons against the white background. The shot has been taken from 2.31 and has a slightly modified toolbar (.tlb) file. Icons are 32px in size which is a bit larger.

My intention was to represent the new Leadwerks logo a bit. The grey colors for background, brighter colors for the icons or at least 1px white borders around the icons and a yellowish roll-over effect. For inspiration I took a look at other applications and how they were done.

Maybe they will make it into Leadwerks at some point. I also have some plans for Entity icons but it's time to move on to new tasks for now.



Recommended Comments

Interesting idea!!


It's a matter of taste but for me the icons have way to much contrast to the dark background. So much contrast draws the users attenten away from the work area to the toolbar. On the other side there is to less contrast within the icons. I think they would look a little bit better if the gray you use within would contrast a little bit more.


Only my personal taste.

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