New offroad speed jeep car crossing desert mountains
Still researching a good car simulation script with LE 4.6, so what's new:
I changed some important parameters of my car script to make the car more nervous, better responsive to the world, rapid and giving more feelings and more controls by driving it.
Maybe it is not 100% what man can expect but it is now more fun to drive and that's important.
The car now calculates and integrates both the forces coming from the world and from the player commands,
That means it checks the slope movement of the ground, check its own rotation and adapt its own position depending on the results.
The slider joints that simulates the dampers are now using SetSpring() combined with Motorspeed(),
The frictions of the tires have a responssive adaptation to the controls,
The dampers are now much more heavier than I was used to use,
Kynetic energie and inertia forces are integrated to the controls so the car has its own behavior too.
I believe I can get it more smoother than actually it is, but it is a completly new way that awaits to be tested.
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