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IK – Simulated Arm




Hi, It’s my IK arm sample video.


We’ve been trying to implement IK in our characters for a while. this is my first IK simulated arm. However it looks like a robotic arm yet, but when I set some angular limitations, it got better! icon_wink.gif


I also smoothed its movements. It’s a lot better now.


This video shows my first concepts about an IK arm. It’s a simple arm with 3 limbs, Upper arm, Forearm and palm.


In its LUA script I create a target pivot which my arm try to grab. We sets this target’s position and it will take care of it itself. The palm follows -almost- the nearest path to grab it.


I implemented this arm in our character now. He can grab door knobs, glasses ,…


I read about inverse jacobian method but it’s too complicated to do with LUA I thought. I’m now trying to use VC++ for Inverse jacobian method.


This article helped me alot:


Inverse Kinematics – Improved Methods


Here is my video:




22 22 22 22 22 b.gif?host=fsrdev.wordpress.com&blog=13457368&post=22&subd=fsrdev&ref=&feed=1





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