The Seventh World - Part 1
After months of work on various base classes I have finally started to re-build my game in Ultra. There is still a lot of work to do to these classes (voxel terrain especially) but my aim is to keep the ball rolling by getting them to a workable state so I can build a playable game and then work on fine tuning later. Plus, I find it more fun to fine tune classes when there is a working game at your finger tips rather than just a bland test project.
I started off with voxel terrain. Basically the terrain is a cuboid structure with 6 terrains projected onto each face, each one being called it's own world (six worlds). Each face has it's own gravity direction.
First I created 8 points to form a cube where the bottom 4 corners are pulled in slightly. The yellow lines indicate each worlds up direction. Gravity is simply the inverse of this.
Then I can project a heightmap onto each world. First worlds heightmap:
All six:
All maps are the same at the moment and the edges need to be blended together so they don't form sharp 45 degree angle slopes. But in some spots the maps line up and the blending is quite nice.
This is so much better than what I achieved in Leadwerks and I'm really excited to knuckle down and get the terrain completed.
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