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Ultra Engine Early Access is Here




Ultra Engine unlocks the full power of your GPU to deliver up to 10x faster performance for your game. Ultra Engine is now available in Early Access, both in our store and on Steam. Use coupon code "LAUNCH" to receive a discount before January 1.

Ultra Engine is a huge leap in technology that provides a new future-proof foundation, while keeping the strengths and general design philosophy we developed in Leadwerks. There were many major underlying changes made to create a better development platform for your games:




Editor written in BlitzMax

Editor written in C++

Better compatibility, extensions system



More addressable memory

Win32 / GTK / Cocoa

Custom UI

Consistent UI across platforms

Raw pointers

Shared pointers

No invalid pointer errors

ToLua C++/Lua binding


Support for shared pointers

Blinn-Phong lighting

PBR lighting

Better graphical quality

FBX asset pipeline

glTF asset pipeline

PBR materials



Faster performance





10x Faster Performance

Have you ever tried to develop a game, only to have the framerate get slower and slower as you add more content and features? This is especially problematic in virtual reality because low framerates cause motion sickness and can make your game or experience unplayable. Ultra Engine is designed to achieve ultimate scalability and deliver blazingly fast performance as your game grows, with a revolutionary new Vulkan-based architecture that unlocks the full power of your GPU to deliver up to 10x faster performance.

Code Games with C++ and Lua

Ultra Engine provides an easy-to-learn programming API that can be used with Lua, integrated into Visual Studio Code. Documentation is extensive, with hundreds of code examples demonstrating how to use graphics, physics, raycasting, pathfinding, and other systems to build games and VR applications. Your game code runs on its own thread, so there's no performance penalty for using an interpreted language.

Royalty-Free License

What you create is yours to play, sell, or give away. You will never be charged royalties or install fees for any application you make. And because we only rely on free open-source middleware libraries, you never have to worry about purchasing expensive licenses from third parties.


Physically-based materials


Entity component system with multiple components per entity



Scriptable editor with plugins system


glTF model pipeline


AI-powered texture generation


Re-projected screen reflections


Detailed asset inspection tools

You can get Ultra Engine Early Access now. Use coupon code "LAUNCH" to receive a discount before the end of the year. Please see the development roadmap for detailed information about the software's current capabilities.

Join us on Discord on Saturday December 23 at 6 PM GMT (10 AM PST) for a special live streaming event!



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