What a behviour code segment looks like behind the previous strange code
In a previous blog entry I showed a code sample of the behaviour tree. In the code below is the code that is fired for each behaviour.
The return status mean: -
RUNNING - Keep on running the behaviour
FAILED - Exit this behaviour with error (has different effect depending on sequeance/selector/parallel node.
COMPLETE - Exit this behaviour with complete (has different effect depending on sequeance/selector/parallel node.
#include "actor/include/action.h" #include <alive/TreeBuilder.h> #include <alive/engine/ConstantNode.h> #include <alive/tree/Parallel.h> #include <alive/tree/Repeat.h> #include <alive/tree/ErrorHandler.h> void SpatialAction::setup(Pedestrian& ped, Vision& vis, ActorGun& rifle) { m_pedestrian = &ped; m_vision = &vis; m_rifle = &rifle; } void SpatialAction::init() { m_pedestrian = NULL; m_Observer.BIND(SpatialAction, this, stop); } // Moves the actor to the nearest enemy alive::Status ActionMoveToEnemy::execute() { if (m_pedestrian == 0) { return FAILED; } if (m_vision == 0) { return FAILED; } m_pedestrian->currentAction += "ActionMoveToEnemy,"; if (m_pedestrian->moveToPosition( m_vision->m_lastSeenPos )) return RUNNING; else return FAILED; } void ActionMoveToEnemy::stop(alive::Status) { m_pedestrian->stopMove(); } alive::Status ActionStopMove::execute() { m_pedestrian->stop(); if(m_pedestrian->moveStatus == MOVE_IDLE) return COMPLETED; return RUNNING; } alive::Status hasGun::execute() { if( (m_rifle != NULL) == m_Settings.getEquals()) { m_pedestrian->currentAction += "hasGun,"; return COMPLETED; } return FAILED; } alive::Status WithinFiringRange::execute() { if(!m_rifle) { // If no rifle I'm not in firing range if (!m_Settings.getEquals()) return RUNNING; else return RUNNING; } if( m_rifle->withinRange( m_vision->distanceToEnemy() ) == m_Settings.getEquals()) { m_pedestrian->currentAction += "WithinFiringRange,"; return RUNNING; } return FAILED; } // Moves the actor to the next waypoint alive::Status ActionMoveToWaypoint::execute() { if (m_pedestrian == 0) { return FAILED; } m_pedestrian->currentAction += "ActionMoveToWaypoint,"; if (m_pedestrian->moveToNextWaypoint()) return RUNNING; else return COMPLETED; } void ActionMoveToWaypoint::stop(alive::Status) { m_pedestrian->stopMove(); } alive::Status ActionCurrentMode::execute() { m_pedestrian->currentMode = m_Settings.getmode(); return COMPLETED; } void AimAtEnemy::init() { } alive::Status LookForward::execute() { m_pedestrian->currentAction += "LookForward,"; if (m_pedestrian->anim->m_bodyControl->needToReset( BONE_SPINE ) ) { m_pedestrian->anim->m_bodyControl->reset( BONE_SPINE ); return RUNNING; } if(m_Settings.getParallel()) return RUNNING; else return COMPLETED; }
This isn't the complete code but it might help people get a feel.
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