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Drivers again




Seem to be having performance issues with the new nVidia drivers 257.21


I noticed the reported OpenGL version has done up from 3.2.0 to 3.3.0

Repeated launching over an hour will sap the frame rate to around 1, yes one. No apparent memory leakage. But other games are fine. Also the editor will remain unaffected unless importing the Apache model where it will sometimes exhibit a black skin.


So there's some combination of factors I need to understand, the current Apache model with it's recent material updates and animated wipers and the new nVidia drivers.


I wouldn't mind so much except it's keeping me of adding new content right now.


I also spawned an LE 2.32 build to test, which on a small map runs 50% faster, on the full sized Afghan theater it actually runs slower. I'm at the point where I'd like to take a shotgun to my PC. The laptop has almost double the performance of my desktop PC which makes no sense, same build, engine and 257.21 drivers.







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Guest Red Ocktober


did you notice this same behavior in the old drivers...




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I have the same issue, I just upgraded my PC to a Core 2 Quad 2.5Ghz and a Geforce 9800GT with 257.21 drivers and I get less performance than my laptop which has a Core 2 Duo and a 9600M?

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Sounds like your Apache material may have an invalid shader definition, like using the diffuse texture vertex shader with the diffuse+bumpmap fragment shader.


I strongly recommend you have an ATI card for testing because they are more strict with the requirements. NVidia cards tend to silently fail if a problem exists, while ATI cards let you know immediately something is wrong.

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