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Shard - The Return




Hello all, I, Shard, have returned.


After completing our Applied Project at DeVry University, team Third Initiative took a much deserved vacation during which we slept in, stayed up late, did nothing productive and played WoW.


* * *

Now that our school is back in session we are moving towards our Senior Project, which will take everything that we have learned with our Applied Project and scale it up into a much bigger game. We are both very excited to be working on this and have decided to stick with Leadwerks because of its great features as well as the great community that has helped us advance so much.


This time around we are planning our project much more carefully as well as recruiting new members to help us created a better game. We will also be doing a far amount of research before we begin coding and have better documentation done for our vision of the game.


In addition to this, we will be releasing POC's or Proof of Concepts, which will be working versions of specific features (such as Networking, Menu Systems, etc) to the people who have already registered with us as beta testers. This will help us get specific features figured out so that it makes debugging easier as well as allowing us to test features in much better detail.


* * *

On a more personal note, I will be starting up a small side project of my own for my GSP280 - Simulation Design class. If anyone remembers, I once talked about creating a solar system simulation with multiple features. Since I will be doing a simulation class anyways, I figured that I will create a simulation that I can both show off for this class as well as try to capitalize on it. I will attempt to release this piece of software once its completed as a product which I hope to make a small amount of money on, with my target market being education institution and astronomy fanatics. This will be taking the engine in a new direction as I will be moving away from things like models and animations but rather using the Leadwerks framework to create a simulation sandbox, rather than a game, which to my knowledge, has not been done around here yet.


There will be more details to come about the specifics of this project soon.


* * *

So there it is. A small update of what will be happening soon. I will shortly resume plaguing the forums with my thousands of questions, but I am hoping that with my research and experimentation, this time around they will be more educated and deeper questions.


See you all on the forums!



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It would have to be very good indeed to compete with the free software of Celestia and Stellarium


It is not intended to compete with those products.

Those products are Planetarium softwares, used to show and explore the night sky.


My product is limited to the solar system, where it allows the user to create their own solar system and then let it "run" to see what would happen with that particular setup.

For example what would happen if the solar system had binary stars or a black hole, etc.


After what little research I've done, I haven't seen a similar product on the market yet.

Please let me know if you know of similar software that exists.


Also, the price will be fairly low. I'm not looking to make a living off of this project.

I'm probably going to charge $10 for a single user license.

And for an educational license, I thinking about doing $1 per license.

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Newton's Aquarium?





Now I have something to compare to.


From the sounds of it, my version will have some different features than this program and will be significantly cheaper (single user was $40)


I'll mess around with it and see what its like.

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