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Not quite there yet.


What I'm trying to do is copy the raw TADS buffer into the diffuse COLOR0 buffer and render the symbology into the same bugger but into channel 2 (COLOR2). Texture channel 2 is used by the "fullbright" shader and mixes at full intensity. The net effect being a normal diffuse texture with full-bright symbology painted over it.


At the moment it's not working as intended. I need to go through the shader to check it's doing what I think it's supposed to do. And see if I need to just use multiple buffers and mix them instead of trying to draw directly into different stages. I'm probably missing an OpenGL command to set the texture target correctly.


It's getting late and I've had to do a lot or changes, our cockpit MPDs only have two knobs, the photos and source material I've been using to layout have three knobs. So there's a slight shift in positioning required.



Non of this does anything yet except the "VID" button that toggles the current TADS buffer. This is the new vector font/glyph system in use. I've yet to add the various button "specials" such as menu nagivation arrows, but the toggles work. The FOV shouldn't be in the raw TADS buffer, need to switch that.


The FMS toggles on the left will interface to the flight model.


I have to say the bitmap fonts looked just as good, if not slightly better when used at the same size. It was a pain adding new glyphs though, here I can add anything I can code with GL commands.



TrackIR remains a tangled mess of wires but I managed to assemble it to test and discovered that I'd not added the Track offsets to the cockpit cam. Quickly fixed that.4946580266235927217-8676859832879853647?l=combathelo.blogspot.com





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