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New update Thursday, if everything goes well. Progress will speed back up after that.



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what does this update include? just the single-state lua? new lua examples thats documented/commented? updated existing lua scripts for single state? a lua framewerk? a 2D feature in lua that works with editor and external language? a list of all exposed engine commands in lua and their syntax?

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will be this update as a installable package or we should update it using LE updater?

I could not update a full package of 2.3 yet.

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what does this update include? just the single-state lua? new lua examples thats documented/commented? updated existing lua scripts for single state? a lua framewerk? a 2D feature in lua that works with editor and external language? a list of all exposed engine commands in lua and their syntax?


If you want a list of exposed commands, use Tylers Debug LIbrary in the downloads section. And in your code use the "LogGlobals" command at the top of a script which dumps all ... well Globals. Functions and constants alike. Cut and paste the output into something like Notepad++ which can sort text into alphabetical order (select all > TextFX_Tools > Sort_Lines ). And you have an alphabetised list of (a lot of constants but also) functions. Doesn't give detail on parameters but it's enough to confirm the existance of a command. Easy to spot the omissions.

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If you want a list of exposed commands, use Tylers Debug LIbrary in the downloads section. And in your code use the "LogGlobals" command at the top of a script which dumps all ... well Globals. Functions and constants alike. Cut and paste the output into something like Notepad++ which can sort text into alphabetical order (select all > TextFX_Tools > Sort_Lines ). And you have an alphabetised list of (a lot of constants but also) functions. Doesn't give detail on parameters but it's enough to confirm the existance of a command. Easy to spot the omissions.


thanks flexman... this is very useful info. appreciate it.

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I'm also wondering when we will have updated docs.

Documentation and tutorials come next. I have a nice big chunk of time to work on them now.


The terrain editing probem on SM3 cards was easily fixed, so the update will be available tomorrow.

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yessssssssssssssssssssssss! :D


EDIT: sang victory too soon. Seems it's missing a shader, I'm getting this error:

Error: Shader file "abstract::postfilter_adjust_ssao.frag" not found.


I made a copy of "postfilter_ssao.frag" and renamed it as "postfilter_adjust_ssao.frag". The application now starts fine, but when I exit I get the following message:


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