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Lashkar Gah - Round II

Michael Betke



After one more weeek of work the project is progressing nice. More and more models are placed on the combat zone and at least there are 21 vegetation layers now. Maybe all 30 will be used at the end. For such big projects its neccesary to place some props with the vegetation system too. Mostly rubble and rocks.


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The project seems to push the engine really to it's limit but most things are sorted out or will be solved very soon. It's giving me headaches some time but such large scale projects help the engine developer to track down things which would never be obvious if you just use "coder-art" on a small 128x128 level.


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While the level grows and grows the deadline is approaching soon and a lot of work needs to be done like placing all roads and polishing things up. Lighting hasn't be done in any way and there is another pass needed on some buildings too.


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Next time the final project will be presented. So check back on first week of September.



Recommended Comments

It looks great.


We had a lot of crashes using large maps, know the frustration you felt. It's just memory allocation I think. Try making a 40x40km map ;) THAT's pain ;)


If you were group all those walls into a single compound, you'd get much better performance. I think culling all those walls really eats into CPU time unless queries are done on the GPU, even then there was a noticeable performance difference. This is how we tried building compounds at first. Going from a 'LEGO' approach to single models was the difference between night and day.


Your approach which grants more fidelity anyway and lots of veg which looks like a pain to place. Procedural veg would be a nice to have.

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I think some kind of grouping feature which groups single objects to one or beeing able to export those single models into one would be a nice feature for performance on LE 3.0.


There are not many materials for the buildings so I think performance is still ok.

I get 25-30 fps and i didnt do any optimizations like LoD.


If I would do such a project again I think I would also do bigger clusters of models to export and rotate.


Downside of such clusters is the heightmap allignments. At least Leadwerks would need some kind of geometry export for simple blocks into .obj. This would be the best and most used workflow in biz.

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