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Lashkar Gah - Final

Michael Betke



After more work the project has finally come to an end. It was very interesting to do a 4000x4000 tile 1 project with Leadwerks. Some things are running nicely with LE2.4 others gave me real pain. But Josh gave excellent customer support and reacted very quikly with engine updates to the problems and even improved things like the terrain scultping speed.


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Most projects will have no problems but placing 2.750.000 vegetation assets plus thousends of models on the landscape will push engines to the limit.

So I'm very pleased how this project ended from a technical point of view. From an artists point of view I always would like to put more effort into art but you have to think economically too so the artists real showcase are his personal projects most time. Some arch-viz people (what I've read in several interviews) only show personal work on their portfolios or participate at contests to "relax" from the daily work. I wish I would have the time to do it do.


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Followers of the Blog may have noticed that I only had 4-6 weeks for this project and was starting from scratch.

Next time I'll work with freelancers again... :)


Doing things with Leadwerks in such a tight timeframe speaks for the engine and editor in my opinion. You don't just get lost in features or menues but stay focused.


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Another nice thing for other people is that Josh gets valuable feedback how the editor "feels" in commercial production of big projects and can improve things in Leadwerks 3.0.


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Finally beside hard work the project was also fun to do. So here are the final screenshots of the 16 square kilometer project.


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