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Internet Explorer 9: custom menu for Pinned sites




Internet Explorer 9 beta has recently been released and one of the new features is the chance to enabling a website as "app" wich will has its own space on your system and will be opened in its own window, just dragging its "favicon" from the address bar of IE to your Windows taskbar (from here it will be a "pinned site".


Once "pinned", the link on the taskbar can handle a collection of custom links which will be listed inside the context menu clicking on the link with the right mouse button:




To create a link in the context menu you need write the following meta tag:

<meta name="msapplication-task" content="name=%MENU ITEM TEXT%;action-uri=%URL TO LINK%;icon-uri=%ICO FILE%"/>


An example meta tag is one of those from Facebook:

<meta name="msapplication-task" content="name=News;action-uri=/home.php?sk=nf;icon-uri=/images/icons/app/news.ico"/>


You can add more meta tags with the following "name" attribute:


  • application-name: The name of the shortcut. If missing, the document title is used instead.
  • msapplication-tooltip: Optional text that is displayed as a tooltip when the mouse pointer hovers over the pinned site shortcut icon in the Windows Start menu.
  • msapplication-starturl: The root URL of the application. If missing, the address of the current page is used instead. Only HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP protocols are allowed.
  • msapplication-navbutton-color: The color of the Back and Forward buttons in the pinned site browser window. Any named color, or hex color value as defined by Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), Level 3 (CSS3), is valid. For more information, see Color Table. If this meta element is absent, the color is based on the shortcut icon.
  • msapplication-window: The initial size of the pinned site browser window. Content sub-elements provide size as number N, separated by a semicolon. width=N (minimum 800) height=N (minimum 600)
  • msapplication-task: Up to five tasks can be predefined. Tasks appear as options on the shortcut menu of the pinned site shortcut when it pinned to the Start menu or taskbar, or when the application is running. Content sub-elements provide task details. Separate values by using semicolons. name=STR; action-uri=URI; icon-uri=URI



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can't you do that anyway with right click?

No, you must drag the icon on the right of the URL from the address bar of IE to your Windows taskbar to pin.

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I added some items, and it should work with the IE9 beta. It looks like the beta still has some problems before it is ready, though.

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I added some items, and it should work with the IE9 beta. It looks like the beta still has some problems before it is ready, though.

I cannot see the msapplication-* meta tags in the source of these pages, where and what have you added? Indeed pinning Werkspace does not produce any custom menu for me (Win7x64+IE9 beta).

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