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CH-47D - work commenced




For the record, practical work on the detailed CH-47D interior started yesterday.


The CH-47D is a great machine better suited to the environment in which it will operate in Combat-Helo. The Chinook (prn: shin-uk) is a surprisingly nimble and small helicopter, not the large lumbering giant as is often perceived. What you may find surprising (I did anyway) was that it's about the same size as the Apache. See the comparison image below.


apache_vs_chinook.jpgApache / Chinook size comparisonIn Afghanistan, the CH-47 usurped the role of the UH-60, having a larger lift capacity, no energy hungry tail boom, armed protection from it's ramp and door gunners as well as a range of countermeasure devices. It's range, power and speed has saved the lives of many Afghan civilians and troops in the region. Additionally, transport helicopters reduce the reliance on vulnerable road convoys and are important in maintaining remote security outposts.


The AI CH47 will be included in Combat-Helo. If we hit our sales target we hope to release a flyable CH-47D with detailed cockpit and systems as an addon (or stand-alone version - to be decided), as Combat-Helo Operation Pegasus. This will add the CH47 as an option to fly on medevac, armed escorts, insertions, extractions, transport, search and rescue missions as well as a new variant of the counter insurgency campaign.


We feel that this is the better choice, it lets us explore the portalised aircraft technology we started with the Apache which will enable a level of interaction between crew that hasn't been seen in any other PC simulation title to date.4946580266235927217-5945874840963259437?l=combathelo.blogspot.com





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