Start of flowgraph dev
<?xml version="1.0" ?> <root> <behavior name="create_cube" > <result type="Entity" value="cube1" /> </behavior> </root>
These 6 lines are the start of a flowgraph system I'm working on. I've been playing with UDK's Kismet and enjoying what it can do. Now UDK's Kismet is pretty specific to UDK functionality for the most part. They have things like SpawnPlayer, which LE obviously doesn't have. LE gives you much lower level control than SpawnPlayer type stuff. So what I've decided to do is create every function LE has into an xml tag, that can be read in and executed. Then a flowgraph UI can be placed on top of that as the editor that lets you visually generate said xml. The user however, never needs to be concerned with the underlying xml.
In UDK functionality is split into a few things. Namely Actions & Events. It also lets you create variables. My flowgraph will function the same way. Like in the above xml, you would have dragged the CreateCube action onto your canvas. Then created a variable object of type Entity, and linked it to the result node sticking out of the CreateCube action. Now when it's called, you have a variable that you can reference anywhere else. For example, you can then drag in a PositionEntity action and use the prior created variable as the entity parameter to this.
So the result is just how a person would program LE, but it would be visual. If people will like this I don't know, but it's fun and interesting to get it working.
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