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1 month of Game developing




Technically the title isn't really correct since game development hasn't really started yet. The first 10 weeks are introduction weeks, which are probably neccesary for a lot people who do not know which business unit they want to choose. As for me it has been clear that Game Development is my direction but in the mean time I get all sorts of classes from different IT directions:

  • System and Network engineer
  • Software engineer
  • IT manager
  • Human Centered Design
  • Technical Computing
  • Network Forensic Research
  • Game development

Some of them are cool like network forensic researching. We used several programs to 'hack' protected wireless routers etc. but most of them are pretty boring.



Programming == awesome


Okay so we started with Java and I have to say that it is going really well. As a matter of fact: The school hired me to substitute for a teacher who quit his job on the first day of college. blink.png There are a lot of terms that make much more sense now that I am actually working with them a lot. terms like classes, arrays, constructors, publics and privates etc.

I was a bit sceptical about Java but as it turns out its pretty cool. The comparison with C# is very small and that gives me more then enough boost to pickup were I left of with C#. Ofcourse I have just begun so this difference will probably change. Another 5 weeks to go and then Game development should really be kicking in. There are some cool classes that I am eagerly waiting on: Advanced Java, ActionScript and math. AI, Pathfinding and 3d games are things for next year which is a pitty but I have finally learned my lesson that a good programming knowledge in general is essential to developing games. (That took me only 2 years to realise.)


In the mean time have a look at this topic:




Thats it for this blog. I''ll keep you posted.






Recommended Comments

Sweet deal! Are those college courses you're taking?


What's cool about learning those concepts in Java is that they also apply to c# and just about any language, just a difference in syntax,


I've found when it comes to AI that just following a pragmatic approach can really simplify things esp w/finite state machines

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